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It-alalla työ on jatkuvaa oppimista.

Haastattelimme pitkän linjan IT-ammattilaista, COR Groupin tietohallintojohtajana toimivaa Satu Palviaista IT-alan muutoksesta ja alan ammattilaisiin kohdistuvista osaamisvaatimuksista.  Aikaisemmin Palviainen on toiminut tietohallintojohtajan tehtävissä muun muassa Attendolla ja Realia Groupissa. Hän on ehtinyt 25-vuotisen uransa aikana näkemään alan murroksen aitiopaikalta. ”IT-ala kehittyy nopealla vauhdilla ja osaamista on kehitettävä jatkuvasti”, Satu toteaa. Teknologiat happanevat koko ajan nopeammalla […]

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IT-alan ammattilaisen 5 tärkeintä tulevaisuuden taitoa

This is a paragraph of text. Some of the text may be emphasised and some it might even be strongly emphasised. Occasionally quoted text may be found within a paragraph …and of course a link may appear at any point in the text. The average paragraph contains five or six sentences although some may contain […]

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IT-koulutus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectuter

This is a paragraph of text. Some of the text may be emphasised and some it might even be strongly emphasised. Occasionally quoted text may be found within a paragraph …and of course a link may appear at any point in the text. The average paragraph contains five or six sentences although some may contain […]

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Näillä taidoilla viet osaamisesti uudelle tasolle

This is a paragraph of text. Some of the text may be emphasised and some it might even be strongly emphasised. Occasionally quoted text may be found within a paragraph …and of course a link may appear at any point in the text. The average paragraph contains five or six sentences although some may contain […]

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IT-ala on muutakin kuin koodaamista lorem

This is a paragraph of text. Some of the text may be emphasised and some it might even be strongly emphasised. Occasionally quoted text may be found within a paragraph …and of course a link may appear at any point in the text. The average paragraph contains five or six sentences although some may contain […]

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